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PHP Pro Hacks: Unleashing the Power of Operators and Functions!

In this PHP article, let's take a quick tour of some cool things that are genuinely useful and bring real added value—definitely worth using without hesitation!

Constructor property promotion

Less boilerplate code to define and initialize properties allows for more concise and readable class definitions, streamlining the process of creating and managing object properties in your code.

class User {
  public function __construct(
    public int $id = 0,
    public string $firstname = null,
    public string $lastname = null,  
  ) {}

Yield keyword

Ever wondered about the 'yield' operator in PHP? It's not just tech jargon; it's a game-changer! This nifty tool lets you dish out a sequence of values like a coding maestro. Say goodbye to memory overload—'yield' serves up values on-demand. Let's break it down with a quick example:

function generateNumbers() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

foreach (generateNumbers() as $number) {
    echo $number . " ";
// Output: 1 2 3

Imagine dealing with a whopping one million rows of data from a database. The old-school method of loading everything at once? Total memory overload and a potential hit on your app's performance. But fear not! Enter the superhero of PHP, the 'yield' operator.

With 'yield,' you can gracefully tackle this data behemoth while keeping your codebase clean and mean. Implement it in a generator function, and voila! Fetch and process data gradually, one row at a time. This not only conserves precious memory but also keeps your code sleek and easy on the eyes.

In the world of handling massive datasets, the 'yield' operator emerges as the unsung hero, ensuring your code remains simple, clear, and up to the challenge.

Array functions

Arrays are the unsung heroes of PHP, and mastering their manipulation is key. Join me for a quick tour of my go-to array functions that bring serious game to the table. These gems are not just useful; they're practically lifesavers for seamless array wizardry. Let's unravel the magic together!


The array_map function effortlessly transforms array elements with the help of callback functions. A handy asset, streamlining array manipulation with efficiency.

// multiplying each element by 2

$myTab = array_map( function($x) { return $x * 2; }, [1, 2, 3] );

echo json_encode  ( $myTab ); // Output [2, 4, 6] 


The array_filter function selectively filters array elements based on a callback function. It's perfect for removing unwanted elements from an array.

// keeping only the even numbers

$myTab = array_filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function($x) { return $x % 2 === 0; });

echo json_encode  ( $myTab ); // Output [2, 4] 


The array_chunk function allows to break down an array into smaller chunks, each containing a specified number of elements. This function is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or when you need to process data in manageable portions.

// large array
$largeArray = range(1, 100000);

// Chunk the array into groups of 1000
$chunks = array_chunk($largeArray, 1000);

foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
    // process 1000 elements

Compact code

Personally, I prefer succinct code. And you too, right?

Nullsafe operator 

The Nullsafe operator provides a safe way to access properties or methods on potentially null objects, simplifying code and mitigating null-related errors. This operator serves as a valuable tool in enhancing code robustness and maintaining a smoother development experience.

// With Nullsafe operator
$address = $user?->getProfile()?->getAddress();

// Without Nullsafe operator
if ($user !== null && $user->getProfile() !== null && $user->getProfile()->getAddress() !== null) {
    $address = $user->getProfile()->getAddress();
} else {
    $address = null;

Null Coalescing Operator

The null coalescing operator offers a concise way to handle null values, allowing you to provide a default value if a variable is null. This results in cleaner and more efficient code by seamlessly addressing potential null scenarios without the need for extensive conditional checks.

// With Coalescing operator
$name = $username ?? 'Guest';

// Without Coalescing operator
$name = isset($username) ? $username : 'Guest';
// Or worse
if (isset($username)) {
    $name = $username;
} else {
    $name = 'Guest';

Arrow functions

Arrow functions introduce a more compact syntax for writing anonymous functions, providing a shorthand way to define functions without the need for the "function" keyword. This not only streamlines code but also enhances readability by offering a concise and modern approach to function declaration.

$addition = fn($a, $b) => $a + $b;

Feel free to let me know in the comments the instructions/operators/functions that you appreciate!

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